
These sweet little car PJ's have survived two little boys in the last three years. They have been my favorite little PJ's for baby bean because they make me nostalgic about my first. Today the thread finally had enough and gave out. This is our final picture in these little 3-6 month old PJ's with the feet...I want to save them to make something someday for my grandchildren but I am sure my husband will not stand for that. (he thinks that I am a bit of a pack rat - but I just call it "nostalgic") Time to say goodbye to 3-6 and hello 6-9. My little bean is sure growing up fast. 


  1. I so feel you on this! Those are cute jammies, and I remember how hard it was putting my favorites away! Very sweet picture you'll love to have in the future. :)

  2. Oh that toe! Makes me smile for sure!

  3. Hey, Rebecca, can't find an e-mail for you on here, but I started a facebook group for some of the other 365 photog mamas so let me know if you'd like to join! Just e-mail me your name so I can look you up and add you.


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